Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This blog has none. I guess I'll take to updating it when I remember about it. Wow, so meta.

So first semester has come and gone. I got the grades to stay in the program and have begun research in the lab of Esther Gomez. Things are going well, but I still have a lot to learn. I currently study cell traction forces and how cells interact on a mechanical level with their environment (extracellular matrix and surrounding cells).

I've come to really enjoy the communities that I'm a part of here. PSCG has been a great blessing to me, and the friends I have made are fantastic. I'm even involved in a couple of accountability groups that are based back home, so I can maintain good contact with people I love and miss.

More to come? We'll see. Most who would read this probably already know these things anyway.

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